User Guide

Getting Started

To get started with foreshadow, install the package using pip install. This will also install the dependencies. Now create a simple python script that uses all the defaults with Foreshadow.

First import foreshadow

import foreshadow as fs

Also import sklearn, pandas, and numpy for the demo

import pandas as pd

from sklearn.datasets import load_boston
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

Now load in the Boston housing dataset from sklearn into pandas dataframes. This is a common dataset for testing machine learning models and comes built-in to scikit-learn.

boston = load_boston()
bostonX_df = pd.DataFrame(, columns=boston.feature_names)
bostony_df = pd.DataFrame(, columns=['target'])

Next, exactly as if working with an sklearn estimator, perform a train test split on the data and pass the train data into the fit function of a new Foreshadow object

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(bostonX_df,
   bostony_df, test_size=0.2)
shadow = fs.Foreshadow(), y_train)

Now fs is a fit Foreshadow object for which all feature engineering has been performed and the estimator has been trained and optimized. It is now possible to utilize this exactly as a fit sklearn estimator to make predictions.

print(shadow.score(X_test, y_test))

Great, you now have a working Foreshaow installation! Keep reading to learn how to export, modify and construct pipelines of your own.

Here it is all together.

import foreshadow as fs
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.datasets import load_boston
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from xgboost import XGBRegressor

boston = load_boston()
bostonX_df = pd.DataFrame(, columns=boston.feature_names)
bostony_df = pd.DataFrame(, columns=['target'])

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(bostonX_df,
   bostony_df, test_size=0.2)
shadow = fs.Foreshadow(), y_train)

print(shadow.score(X_test, y_test))


Foreshadow is the primary object and interface for the Foreshadow framework. By default, Foreshadow creates a Preprocessor object for both the input data and the target vector.

It also automatically determines whether the target data is categorical or numerical and determines whether to use a Classification estimator or a Regressor. By default Foreshadow will either pick TPOT for regression or auto-sklearn for classification.

This pipeline is then fit and exposed via the pipeline object attribute.

Foreshadow can optionally take in a Preprocessor object for the input data, a Preprocessor object for the target vector, a sklearn.base.BaseEstimator object to fit the preprocessed data, and a sklearn.grid_search.BaseSearchCV class to optimize the available hyperparameters.

Here is an example of a fully defined Foreshadow object

shadow = fs.Foreshadow(X_preparer=Preprocessor(), y_preparer=Preprocessor(), estimator=AutoEstimator(), optimizer=None)

This code is equivalent to the fs.Foreshadow() definition but explicitly defines each component. In order to disable one or more of these components simply pass False to the named parameter (Note that the default None automatically initializes the above).

AutoEstimator is automatically defined as the estimator for Foreshadow. This estimator detects the problem type (classification or regression) and then either uses TPOT or Auto-Sklearn to serve as the estimator. The preprocessing methods are stripped from TPOT and Auto-Sklearn when they are used in this manner as we favor our own Preprocessor over their methods. As such these two frameworks will only perform model selection and estimator hyperparameter optimization by default.

NOTE: Future work includes implementing TPOT and AutoSklean’s optimizers into this platform such that they can be used for both model selection and optimizing hyperparameters for the feature engineering aspects. Until then, however, they will only optimize the model as they are blind to the earlier parts of the pipeline.

Foreshadow, acting as an estimator is also capable of being used in a sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline object. For example:

pipeline = Pipeline([("estimator", Foreshadow())]), y_train)
pipeline.score(X_test, y_test)

By passing an optimizer into Foreshadow, it will attempt to optimize the pipeline it creates by extracting all the hyperparameters from the preprocessors and the estimator and passing them into the optimizer object along with the partially fit pipeline. This is a potentially long-running process and is not reccomended to be used with estimators such as TPOT or AutoSklearn which also do their own optimization.


The Preprocessor object provides the feature engineering capabilities for the Foreshadow framework. Like the Foreshadow object, the Preprocessor is capable of being used as a standalone object to perform feature engineering, or it can be used in a Pipeline as a Transformer to perform preprocessing for an estimator.

In its most basic form, a Preprocessor can be initialized with no parameters as fs.Preprocessor() in which all defaults will be applied. Ideally, a default preprocessor will be able to produce an acceptable pipeline for feature engineering.

The preprocessor performs the following tasks in order

  1. Load configuration (if present)
  2. Iterate columns and match Intents
  3. Execute single-pipelines on columns in parallel
  4. Execute multi-pipelines on columns in series


Preprocessor works by using Intents. These classes describe a type of feature that a dataset could possibly contain. For example, we have a NumericIntent and a CategoricalIntent.

Depending on the characterization of the data performed by the is_intent() class method, each Intent individually determines if it applies to a particular feature in the dataset. However, it is possible for multiple intents to match to a feature. In order to resolve this, Preprocessor uses a hierarchical structure defined by the superclass (parent) and children attributes of and intent. There is also a priority order defined in each intent to break ties at the same level.

This tree-like structure which has GenericIntent as its root node is used to prioritize Intents. Intents further down the tree more precisely define a feature and intents further to the right hold a higher priority than those to the left, thus the Intent represented by the right-most node of the tree that matches will be selected.

Each Intent contains a multi-pipeline and a single-pipeline. These objects are lists of tuples of the form [('name', TransformerObject()),...] and are used by Preprocessor to construct sklearn Pipeline objects.

Single Pipeline

The single pipeline defines operations (transformations of data) on a single column of the dataset matched to a specific intent. For example, in the Boston Housing dataset, the 'CRIM' column could match to the NumericIntent in which the single pipeline within that Intent would be executed on that feature.

This process is highly parallelized interally.

Multi Pipeline

Intents also contain a multi-pipeline which operates on all columns of data of a given intent simultaneously. For example, in the Boston Housing dataset, the 'CRIM' feature (per capita crime rate), the 'RM' feature (average rooms per house), and the 'TAX' feature (property tax rate) could be matched to NumericIntent in which the corresponding multi-pipeline would apply transformers across the columns such as feature reduction methods like PCA or methods of inference such as Multiple Imputation.

Additionally, while single pipelines are applied on an exclusive basis, multiple pipelines are applied on an inclusive basis. All multiple pipelines in the Intent hierarchy are executed on matching columns in the order from lowest (most-specific) intent, to the highest (most-general) intent.

NOTE: All transformers within a single or multi pipeline can access the entire current dataframe as it stands via fit_params['full_df'] in fit or fit_transform

Smart Transformers

Smart Transformers are a special subclass of sklearn Transformers derived from the SmartTransformer base class. These transformers do not perform operations on data themselves but instead return a Transformer object at the time of pipeline execution. This allows pipelines to make logical decisions about actions to perform on features in real-time.

Smart Transformers make up the essence of single and multi pipelines in Intents as they allow conditional operations to be performed on data depending on any statistical analysis or hypothesis testing. Smart transformers can be overriden using the override attribute which takes in a string which is capable of being resolved as an internal transformer in the Foreshadow library, an external transfomer from sklearn or another smart transformer. The attributes of this override can be set via the set_params() methods for which all parameters other than the override parameter itself will be passed to the override object.

To use a smart transformer outside of the Intent / Foreshadow environment simply use it exactly as a sklearn transformer. When you call fit() or fit_transform() it automatically resolves which transformer to use by interally calling the _get_transformer() overriden method.


Arguments passed into the constructor of a smart transformer will be passed into the fit function of the transformer it resolves to. This is meant to primarily be used alongside the override argument.


The configurability is by far the most powerful aspect of this framework. Through configuration, data scientists can quickly iterate on pipelines generated by Foreshadow and Preprocessor. Preprocessors take a python dictionary configuration in the from_json named parameter in the constructor. This dictionary can be used to override all decision -making processes used by Preprocessor.

An example configuration for processing the Boston Housing dataset is below. We will step through this one by one and demonstrate all the capabilities.

    "columns": {
        "crim": {
            "intent": "GenericIntent",
            "pipeline": [{
                "transformer": "StandardScaler",
                "name": "Scaler",
                "parameters": {
                    "with_mean": false
        "indus": {
            "intent": "GenericIntent"
    "postprocess": [{
        "name": "pca",
        "columns": ["age"],
        "pipeline": [{
            "transformer": "PCA",
            "name": "PCA",
            "parameters": {
                "n_components": 2
    "intents": {
        "NumericIntent": {
            "single": [{
                "transformer": "Imputer",
                "name": "impute",
                "parameters": {
                    "strategy": "mean"
            "multi": []

The configuration file is composed of a root dictionary containing three hard-coded keys: columns, postprocess, and intents. First, we will examine the columns section.

Column Override

"columns": {
    "crim": {
        "intent": "GenericIntent",
        "pipeline": [{
            "transformer": "StandardScaler",
            "name": "Scaler",
            "parameters": {
                "with_mean": false
    "indus": {
        "intent": "GenericIntent"

This section is a dictionary containing two keys, each of which are columns in the Boston Housing set. First we will look at the value of the "crim" key which is a dict.

    "intent": "GenericIntent",
    "pipeline": [{
        "transformer": "StandardScaler",
        "name": "Scaler",
        "parameters": {
            "with_mean": false

Here we can see that this column has been assigned the intent "GenericIntent and the pipeline [{"transformer": "StandardScaler", "name": "Scaler", "parameters": {"with_mean":false}}]

This means that regardless of how Preprocessor automatically assigns Intents, the intent GenericIntent will always be assigned to the crim column. It also means that regardless of what intent is assigned to the column (this value is still important for multi-pipelines), the Preprocessor will always use this hard-coded pipeline to process that column. The column would still be processed by its initially identifited multi-pipeline unless explicitly overridden.

The pipeline itself is defined by the following standard [{"transformer":class, "name":name, "parameters":{param_key: param_value, ...}], ...] When preprocessor parses this configuration it will create a Pipeline object with the given transformers of the given class, name, and parameters. For example, the preprocessor above will look something like sklearn.pipeline.Preprocessor([('Scaler', StandardScaler(with_mean=False)))]) Any class implementing the sklearn Transformer standard (including SmartTransformer) can be used here.

That pipeline object will be fit on the column crim and will be used to transform it.

Moving on to the "indus" column defined by the configuration. We can see that it has an intent override but not a pipeline override. This means that the default single_pipeline for the given intent will be used to process that column. By default the serialized pipeline will have a list of partially matching intents under the “all_matched_intents” dict key. These can likely be substituted into the Intent name with little or no compatibility issues.

Intent Override

"intents": {
    "NumericIntent": {
        "single": [{
            "transformer": "Imputer",
            "name": "impute",
            "parameters": {
                "strategy": "mean"
        "multi": []

Next, we will examine the intents section. This section is used to override intents globally, unlike the columns section which overrode intents on a per-column basis. Any changes to intents defined in this section will apply across the entire Preprocessor pipeline. However, individual pipelines defined in the columns section will override pipelines defined here.

The keys in this section each represent the name of an intent. In this example, NumericIntent is being overridden. The value is a dictionary with the keys "single" and "multi" respresent the single and multi pipeline overrides. The value of these pipelines is parsed through the same mechanism as the pipelines in the columns section.

If a pipeline is empty such as the multi pipeline is above, it will be removed from the final pipeline. However, if the multi key is ommitted from the configuration file, then the default multi pipeline for that intent will be used.

In this case, for all NumericIntent columns, by default, the pipeline Pipeline([('impute', Imputer(strategy=mean))]) will be executed on the column. No multi-pipeline will be executed on columns of NumericIntent.

Postprocessor Override

    "postprocess": [{
        "name": "pca",
        "columns": ["age"],
        "pipeline": [{
            "class": "PCA",
            "name": "PCA",
            "parameters": {
                "n_components": 2

Finally, in the postprocess section of the configuration, you can manually define pipelines to execute on columns of your choosing. The content of this section is a list of dictionaries of the form [{"name":name, "columns":[cols, ...], "pipeline":pipeline}, ...]. Each list defines a pipeline that will execute on certain columns. These processes execute after the intent pipelines!

IMPORTANT There are two ways of selecting columns through the cols list. By default, specifying a column, or a list of columns, will automatically select the columns in the data frame that are computed columns deriving from that column. For example, in the list above, all columns derived from the age column will be passed into the PCA transformer and reduced to 2 components. To override this behavior and select columns by their name at the current stage in the process, prepend a dollar sign to the column name. For example ["$age_scale_0", "$indus_encode_0", "$indus_encode_1"]

Through overriding these various components, any combination of feature engineering can be achieved. To generate this configuration dictionary after fitting a Preprocessor or a Foreshadow object, run the serialize() method on the Preprocessor object or on Foreshadow.X_preparer or y_preparer. That dictionary can be programmatically modified in python or can be serialized to JSON where it can be modified by hand. By default the output of serialize() will fix all feature engineering to be constant. To only enforce sections of the configuration output from serialize() simply copy and paste the relevant sections into a new JSON file.

Hyperparameter Tuning

Foreshadow also supports hyperparameter tuning through two mechanisms. By default, Foreshadow will use AutoEstimator as an estimator in the pipeline. This estimator will automatically choose either TPOT, for regression problems or AutoSklearn for classification problems. It also strips all feature engineering and preprocessing from these two frameworks. This, in effect, uses TPOT and AutoSklearn only for model selection and model hyperparameter optimization. These estimators are not passed hyperparameters from the Preprocessor and thus will not optimize them.

The second method of hyperparameter tuning is to use a vanilla sklearn estimator when declaring foreshadow (such as XGBoost or LogisticRegression) and also pass in a BaseSearchCV class into the optimizer parameter. This will use the provided optimizer to perform a parameter search on both the preprocessing and the model at the same time. The parameter search space for this configuration is defined in two locations.

Default Dictionary

The first is in foreshadow/optimizers/ which contains a dictionary like:

config_dict = {
    "StandardScaler.with_std": [True, False]
    "StandardScaler.with_mean": [True, False]

This dictionary contains keys and values of the form ClassName.attribute: iterator(test_values) If any items in the pipeline match the classname.attribute selector then that attribute will be added as a hyperparameter with the values of the iterator (list, generator, etc.) as the search space.

NOTE: In the future, this dictionary will be able to be passed in to Foreshadow, for now it must be modified manually if changes wish to be made.

JSON Combinations Config

If you wish to manually define spaces to search for the Preprocessor those can be defined in the configuration dictionary of the preprocessor in the combinations section. This is what a combinations section looks like.

    "columns": {
        "crim": {
            "intent": "GenericIntent",
            "pipeline": [{
                "transformer": "StandardScaler",
                "name": "Scaler",
                "parameters": {
                    "with_mean": false
        "indus": {
            "intent": "GenericIntent"

    "postprocess": [],

    "intents": {},

    "combinations": [{
        "columns.crim.pipeline.0.parameters.with_mean": "[True, False]",
        "": "['Scaler', 'SuperScaler']"


This section of the configuration file is a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary represents a single parameter space definition that should be searched. Within these dictionaries each key is an identifier for a value in another part of the configuration file. For example columns.crim.1.0.2.with_mean will identify the columns key and then the crim key, then the 1th index of that list, the 0th index of the next list, the 2nd index of the next list, and finally the with_mean key of that dictionary. Each value is a string of python code that will be evaluated to create an iterator object that will be used to generate the parameter space.

In this example 4 combinations will be searched:

  • StandardScaler(with_mean=False, name="Scaler")
  • StandardScaler(with_mean=True, name="Scaler")
  • StandardScaler(with_mean=False, name="SuperScaler")
  • StandardScaler(with_mean=True, name="SuperScaler")

In addition to any search parameters defined in the default search space dictionary above