Source code for foreshadow.estimators.meta

"""Wrapped Estimator."""

from foreshadow.base import BaseEstimator
from foreshadow.serializers import ConcreteSerializerMixin
from foreshadow.utils import check_df

[docs]class MetaEstimator(BaseEstimator, ConcreteSerializerMixin): """Wrapper that allows data preprocessing on the response variable(s). Args: estimator: An instance of a subclass of :obj:`sklearn.base.BaseEstimator` preprocessor: An instance of :obj:`foreshadow.preprocessor.Preprocessor` """ def __init__(self, estimator, preprocessor): self.estimator = estimator self.preprocessor = preprocessor
[docs] def dict_serialize(self, deep=False): # noqa return super().dict_serialize(deep=False)
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None): """Fit the AutoEstimator instance using a selected AutoML estimator. Args: X (:obj:`pandas.DataFrame` or :obj:`numpy.ndarray` or list): The input feature(s) y (:obj:`pandas.DataFrame` or :obj:`numpy.ndarray` or list): The response feature(s) Returns: self """ X = check_df(X) y = check_df(y) y = self.preprocessor.fit_transform(y), y) return self
[docs] def predict(self, X): """Use the trained estimator to predict the response. Args: X (pandas.DataFrame or :obj:`numpy.ndarray` or list): The input feature(s) Returns: :obj:`pandas.DataFrame`: The response feature(s) (transformed) """ X = check_df(X) return self.preprocessor.inverse_transform(self.estimator.predict(X))
[docs] def predict_proba(self, X): """Use the trained estimator to predict the response probabilities. Args: X (:obj:`pandas.DataFrame` or :obj:`numpy.ndarray` or list): The input feature(s) Returns: :obj:`pandas.DataFrame`: The probability associated with each \ feature """ X = check_df(X) return self.estimator.predict_proba(X)
[docs] def score(self, X, y): """Use the trained estimator to compute the evaluation score. Note: sample weights are not supported Args: X (:obj:`pandas.DataFrame` or :obj:`numpy.ndarray` or list): The input feature(s) y (:obj:`pandas.DataFrame` or :obj:`numpy.ndarray` or list): The response feature(s) Returns: float: A computed prediction fitness score """ X = check_df(X) y = check_df(y) y = self.preprocessor.transform(y) return self.estimator.score(X, y)