Source code for foreshadow.utils.common

"""Common utility functions."""

import os
from collections import OrderedDict
from importlib import import_module

from foreshadow.exceptions import TransformerNotFound

CONFIG_DIR = "~/.foreshadow"

[docs]def get_config_path(): """Get the default config path. Note: This function also makes the directory if it does not already exist. Returns: str: The path to the config directory. """ ret_path = os.path.expanduser(CONFIG_DIR) os.makedirs(ret_path, exist_ok=True) return ret_path
[docs]def get_cache_path(): """Get the cache path which is in the config directory. Note: This function also makes the directory if it does not already exist. Returns: str; The path to the cache directory. """ cache_path = os.path.join(get_config_path(), "cache") os.makedirs(cache_path, exist_ok=True) return cache_path
[docs]def get_transformer(class_name, source_lib=None): """Get the transformer class from its name. Note: In case of name conflict, internal transformer is preferred over external transformer import. This should only be using in internal unit tests, get_transformer from serialization should be preferred in all other cases. This was written to decouple registration from unit testing. Args: class_name (str): The transformer class name source_lib (str): The string import path if known Returns: Imported class Raises: TransformerNotFound: If class_name could not be found in internal or external transformer library pathways. """ if source_lib is not None: module = import_module(source_lib) else: sources = OrderedDict( (source, import_module(source)) for source in [ "foreshadow.concrete", "", "foreshadow.intents", "foreshadow.steps", "foreshadow.parallelprocessor", "foreshadow.columnsharer", "foreshadow.pipeline", "foreshadow.preparer", "foreshadow.estimators", ] ) for v in sources.values(): if hasattr(v, class_name): module = v break else: raise TransformerNotFound( "Could not find transformer {} in {}".format( class_name, ", ".join(sources.keys()) ) ) return getattr(module, class_name)
[docs]class ConfigureColumnSharerMixin: """Mixin that configure column sharer."""
[docs] def configure_column_sharer(self, column_sharer): """Configure the column sharer attribute if exists. Args: column_sharer: a column sharer instance """ if hasattr(self, "column_sharer"): self.column_sharer = column_sharer