Source code for foreshadow.utils.validation

"""Common module utilities."""

import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import VectorizerMixin

from foreshadow.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin

PipelineStep = {"NAME": 0, "CLASS": 1, "COLS": 2}

[docs]def check_series(input_data): """Convert non series inputs into series. This is function is to be used in situations where a series is expected but cannot be guaranteed to exist. For example, this function is used in the metrics package to perform computations on a column using functions that only work with series. Note: This is not to be used in transformers as it will break the standard that enforces only DataFrames as input and output for those objects. Args: input_data (iterable): The input data Returns: pandas.Series Raises: ValueError: If the data could not be processed ValueError: If the input is a DataFrame and has more than one column """ ret_ser = None if isinstance(input_data, pd.DataFrame): ret_ser = input_data.T.squeeze() if not isinstance(ret_ser, pd.Series): raise ValueError("Input DataFrame has more than one column") elif isinstance(input_data, pd.Series): pass elif isinstance(input_data, np.ndarray) or isinstance( input_data, (list, tuple) ): ret_ser = pd.Series(input_data) else: raise ValueError( "Invalid input type: {} is not pd.DataFrame, " "pd.Series, " "np.ndarray, " "nor list".format(type(input_data)) ) return ret_ser
[docs]def check_df( input_data, ignore_none=False, single_column=False, single_or_empty=False ): """Convert non dataframe inputs into dataframes. Args: input_data (:obj:`pandas.DataFrame`, :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, list): input to convert ignore_none (bool): allow None to pass through check_df single_column (bool): check if frame is of a single column and return series single_or_empty (bool): check if the frame is a single column or an empty DF. Returns: :obj:`DataFrame <pandas.DataFrame>`: Converted and validated input \ dataframes Raises: ValueError: Invalid input type ValueError: Input dataframe must only have one column """ if input_data is None and ignore_none: return None ret_df = None if isinstance(input_data, pd.DataFrame): if len(input_data.columns) > len(set(input_data.columns)): warnings.warn( "Columns are not all uniquely named, automatically resolving" ) input_data.columns = {"names": input_data.columns} )._maybe_dedup_names(input_data.columns) ret_df = input_data elif isinstance(input_data, pd.Series): ret_df = input_data.to_frame() elif isinstance(input_data, np.ndarray) or isinstance( input_data, (list, tuple) ): ret_df = pd.DataFrame(input_data) else: raise ValueError( "Invalid input type: {} is not pd.DataFrame, " "pd.Series, " "np.ndarray, " "nor list".format(type(input_data)) ) if single_column and len(ret_df.columns) != 1: raise ValueError("Input Dataframe must have only one column") # TODO custom error. if single_or_empty and (len(ret_df.columns) != 1 and not ret_df.empty): raise ValueError( "Input Dataframe must have only one column or be " "empty." ) return ret_df
[docs]def check_module_installed(name): """Check whether a module is available for import. Args: name (str): module name Returns: bool: Whether the module can be imported """ from importlib import import_module try: import_module(name) except ImportError: return False else: return True
[docs]def check_transformer_imports(printout=True): """Determine which transformers were automatically imported. Args: printout (bool, optional): Whether to output to stdout Returns: tuple(list): A tuple of the internal transformers and the external \ transformers """ import foreshadow.concrete as conc if printout: print( "Loaded {} transformer plugins:\n{}".format( len(conc.__all__), conc.__all__ ) ) return conc.__all__
[docs]def is_transformer(value, method="isinstance"): """Check if the class is a transformer class. Args: value: Class or instance method (str): Method of checking. Options are `'issubclass'` or `'isinstance'` Returns: True if transformer, False if not. Raises: ValueError: if method is neither issubclass or isinstance """ choices = {"issubclass": issubclass, "isinstance": isinstance} try: validation = choices.get(method) except KeyError: raise ValueError( "Could not find {}, options are {}".format(method, choices.keys()) ) if validation(value, BaseEstimator) and ( validation(value, TransformerMixin) or validation(value, VectorizerMixin) ): return True return False
[docs]def is_wrapped(transformer): """Check if a transformer is wrapped. Args: transformer: A transformer instance Returns: bool: True if transformer is wrapped, otherwise False. """ return hasattr(transformer, "is_wrapped")